Blog Archive for March, 2016

Martin Porchas

City of Somerton 


As the second youngest of 11 siblings, Martin Porchas grew up in the City of Somerton, where he now serves as mayor. He attended O.L. Carlisle Elementary School, Kofa High School and AWD Community College. His parents and older brothers and sisters were field laborers.

“I am very proud to say that I was not the first one in my family to attend college or finish high school,” Mayor Porchas said. “I have a brother who graduated from University of Arizona with a bachelor’s degree. My second youngest sister became a nurse, and the youngest received her master’s degree in education.”

Throughout the first 20 years of Mayor Porchas’ life, his family would travel to California in the summers. Some years, he would not get to finish school or the season playing baseball because of the move to California.

“Many of my friends thought itw as awesome to travel to California,” Mayor Porchas declared. “Little did they know, I was not too thrilled about it, but I had to follow my parents. Don’t get me wrong, but when a boy at the age of 12 has to get up at 4:30 or 5 a.m. all summer long to go work in the fields, it makes for a long and not-too-pleasant summer.”

As he got older, Mayor Porchas came to understand why his family would travel to California. He said that Somerton still faces some of the same challenges it had 30 or 40 years ago, one of which is having the highest unemployment rate in the state. The majority of the jobs are seasonal, which is why his family would travel out of state to seek employment.

“I am proud and now honored to say that I got to hang out and learn from one of the hardest workers I have ever known in my life – my dad,” Mayor Porchas said.

Family is now just as important to Mayor Porchas, who is married to his lovely wife, Dalila, and is a proud father of two children, Martin Adrian Porchas and Andrea Porchas.

Marnie Schubert

Director of Communications, Marketing & Recreation
Town of Queen Creek

Marnie Schubert - Queen Creek Marnie Schubert has worked for the Town of Queen Creek for eight years, starting as communications manager and changing roles several times throughout the years. She currently serves as the director of communications, marketing and recreation. Her degree is in radio-television communications from the University of Central Florida.

Marnie came to QC from the community of Celebration, FL, “the town that Disney built,”where she created the communications department. Her duties there included overseeing the community website, which included a resident “forum”section –an early predecessor to social media. Her experiences in Celebration have served her well, especially since communication resources shifted dramatically during the Great Recession. Gone are the days of printed newsletters, direct mail and reporters assigned to cover specific cities. She says that while she learned a lot during that era,  she continues to find excitement in digital news, tweeting with reporters who cover a variety of communities, and interacting 24/7 with residents on social media.

“Communications is an industry that is always in motion, which is why it appeals to me”says Schubert. “The strategy that works today likely won’t work this time next year. This is a great time to work in government communications because social media has leveled the playing field. Small communities can be just as visible — and have a voice arguably just as strong — as big cities thanks to Facebook, Instagram and other digital platforms. It’s all about engagement.”

Having grown up as a military brat (Go Navy!), Marnie had the advantage of moving every year or so and getting to know people all over the world. You quickly learn how to make friends and recognize consistencies in human nature, while learning to appreciate the fun quirks that make us all unique. She says that likely channeled her toward the communications industry: growing up around a diverse range of people in many different types of communities, mainly working toward the same positive goals.

A.C. Marriotti

Finance Director
City of Sahuarita


Born in Tacoma, Washington and having grown up in a military family, A.C. Marriotti settled in Tucson where he attended Palo Verde High School and the University of Arizona, earning bachelor’s degrees in accounting and finance. Marriotti has served as the Town of Sahuarita’s finance director for nearly 12 years. He was recently awarded the town’s first Manager’s Choice Award in 2015. His finance department has received national recognition for excellence in financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association many times throughout the years for the town’s budget publications and Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.

In addition to the normal duties expected of any financial officer, Marriotti oversees the Finance and Investment Advisory Committee, as well as the town’s IT department. “I really enjoy the variety in my job and learning new things,” Marriotti said.

Known as a team player by his workmates and colleagues, he’s always willing to take on new challenges. Just this year, Marriotti’s department took over waste water utility billing services for the town. This role was taken on suddenly when the private company responsible for billing discontinued their service. Under Marriotti’s leadership, billing cycles were brought up to speed and services were streamlined, including better online payment options, real-time tracking and additional staffing to allow for better customer service. Marriotti has also served on the Pima County Bond Advisory Committee and actively volunteers in his community.

Marriotti’s strength of character shines through in his personal life. He and his wife are licensed foster care providers and advocates for children in need of homes, families and positive learning environments. “There are a variety of ways that we can help kids in need of foster care, and anyone can participate,” Marriotti said. “Donations to foster care agencies help tremendously, and the need in Arizona is great.”


Ted Yocum

Volunteer City of Maricopa

Ted Yocum Ted Yocum is a resident committed to community involvement and has been passionately involved with the City of Maricopa since 2009 when he attended the Maricopa Citizen Leadership Academy. “I knew I wanted to make a difference in Maricopa,” says Yocum. And make a difference he did!

Since 2009 Mr. Yocum has volunteered with the police department, chaired the board of adjustment, participated in the development of the 2040 Vision Plan and general plan update, served on the zoning code rewrite task force and currently serves as the vice chairman of the city’s planning and zoning commission, and as a member of the Maricopa Advocate Program.

“From the moment I ventured into Maricopa to look for a home, the friendliness, warmth, and small-town feel enveloped my wife and me. I knew it was the place I wanted to retire to get away from the east coast hustle and hassle. But for me personally, most of all, Maricopa, this blank-slate new city, has given me the opportunity to make a difference; to apply my experience, professional skills, and energy to contribute to the success, growth, and long-term vision for our fantastic new city. ” Yocum describes his participation in the Maricopa Zoning Code Rewrite Task Force as the biggest and most impactful project he has worked on with the city.

Maricopa was incorporated in 2003, when the city was experiencing rapid growth. At the time the decision was made to stay with the Pinal County Zoning Code, but eventually the city needed its own code to keep up with its unique needs. In 2012, city council engaged a consultant to work with a citizens’task force to rewrite the entire zoning code. Yocum served on that task force which worked through monthly meetings and many hours of study, investigation, and discussion over an eighteen-month period. The new code, more than 400 pages long, was adopted by city council on November 5, 2014 and most recently was recognized by the Arizona Chapter of the American Planning Association as an outstanding zoning code.

Mr. Yocum grew up in Pennsylvania, attended Drexel University and Albright College. He is retired from insurance management, and moved from New Jersey to Maricopa in 2006. He is also the Vice President of the Desert Cedars HOA Board. When he is not championing the City of Maricopa he enjoys bowling, pinochle, the beautiful weather and Maricopa’s friendly people.

“I hope my Maricopa legacy will be that I have used my professional knowledge, skills, and love of the city to enhance the quality of life for future generations.”

Josh Wolfgramm

Heavy Equipment Operator
City of Mesa

Josh Wolfgramm

Josh Wolfgramm has worked for the City of Mesa Transportation Department for 11 years.  He started as a street maintenance worker and has worked himself up to heavy equipment operator on the slurry crew.  A slurry seal is a process where a mat of asphalt emulsion, water, and aggregate is applied to the street to create a new surface.  A slurry seal is used to extend the life of the existing pavement when it starts to show signs of deterioration.  On the slurry crew, Josh operates a heavy piece of equipment called a sand conveyor but is nicknamed a “salad shooter.”  Josh also gets called on to help with many other different tasks, like cleaning up trees after a storm.  His supervisor describes Josh as clever, helpful, and eager – a perfect combination of traits when you are on a transportation field crew and get called on to do many things!


Josh is unique in that he works with and operates heavy equipment during the day, but away from work he is a Polynesian dancer.  Yes, a dancer!  He performs every weekend with a group called the Royal Islanders for special events all around the Valley.  The dance that Josh performs is part of the grand finale and is called the Samoan Fire Knife dance.  During this dance he twirls a heavy baton-like knife that is on fire on both ends.  Josh learned Polynesian dance as a young boy growing up in New Zealand.


Josh moved to the United States 15 years ago after he saw a stunningly beautiful woman performing a Polynesian dance while he was visiting.  It was love at first sight and Josh moved to the US to marry the beautiful dancer, whose name is Sadie.  Together Josh and Sadie have four sons who range in age from five to 12.  The boys are following in their parent’s footsteps and perform Polynesian dance, too.


Aside from working full-time, dancing on the weekends, and attending his sons’ sporting events, Josh is taking college courses, as well.  Somehow he finds time to do it all!

Yvonne Kimball

Town Manager
Town of Dewey Humboldt

Yvonne Kimball

Born and raised in Tianjin, China, Yvonne Kimball saw first-hand what life was like without democracy, as she grew up during the latter part of Chairman Mao’s dictatorship era. From an early age, she was exposed to the Mao regime’s altered version of communism.

“There was no democracy. People were  – and still are – afraid of speaking the truth,” Kimball said.

When Kimball was a teenager, she got her hands on a banned book of great speeches from the Western Word. In it was Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. He spoke of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

“I was stunned but deeply inspired by the concept and wanted to become a part of such a noble institution one day.”

In 2003, she immigrated to the United States and enrolled in the University of Central Florida’s Master of Public Administration program. Her graduate studies equipped her with skills and knowledge covering a broad range of topics and disciplines relevant to working in and managing the public sector. She knew she wanted to become a public servant.

Because of her international background, Yvonne initially wanted to work in the federal government and had her sights set on the Department of State. While in graduate school, however, a few internships led her to positions within Florida county governments and it was there that Yvonne realized her enjoyment for working with people at the local government level.

“Local governments are much closer to the citizens than the federal government,” said Kimball. “I knew I would have a better chance to make a difference by working for local governments.”

In 2008, a few years after graduation from the MPA program, Kimball received a city manager job in Florida. As her family had always been drawn to Arizona’s beauty, Kimball found a position as the town manager of Dewey-Humboldt. Since her appointment in 2011, Kimball has now served as the town’s longest-tenured manager.

As one of Arizona’s newest incorporated municipalities, Dewey-Humboldt appointed Kimball to continue to build the organization and establish procedures from scratch. Because of the town’s youth, Kimball spends much of her time moving the town forward, overseeing the day-to-day operations and implementing the town council’s directives.

“On top of that, just like most managers for small towns, I wear many other hats,” said Kimball. “I am the town’s zoning administrator, the human resources director, the chief finance officer, the public information officer, and sometimes the receptionist!”

In addition to her role as a town manager, Yvonne is a board member for the Arizona City/County Management Association. She credits the organization to helping her learn from other managers and colleagues in the state who also manage city and town governments.

In her spare time, Kimball spends much of her time whipping up home-baked goodies for her young sons. Before coming to the United States, she had never used or even seen an oven. Once she learned its capabilities, she started baking desserts almost every weekend for recreation and still takes satisfaction in her boys enjoying her concoctions.

Kimball now feels like she is finally home in Arizona. She positively touches the lives of those in her community daily and in that aspect, finds working for a city the most rewarding job one can find.

“In retrospect, I was glad that I embraced the opportunities I had and was able to make the most of them. I am making a difference everyday within the community in which I work and live.”

Floyd Gilmore

Show Low Cemetery Grave Digger
City of Show Low



It is difficult to imagine that anyone can be passionate about digging graves, but Floyd Gilmore has dug more than 1,000 graves in the city-owned cemetery since 1976 as an independent backhoe operator. He finds the work fascinating and, sometimes, even exciting, because he “gets to do things no one else has ever done.”

“According to Arizona law, a body doesn’t have to be embalmed if it is buried within 24 hours of death,” says Gilmore. He recalls fielding a frantic call from a local mortician asking that a grave be dug within three hours—or miss the 24-hour window. The decedent, a white male, was buried wrapped in a handmade Indian blanket, a gift for his many years of working alongside Navajos and Apaches on their reservations.

Gilmore buried one of his grown sons in the same manner, whose last wish was to not be embalmed. He was assisted by his other three sons and grandchildren. Gilmore says, “It’s like a family tradition. My kids have always helped me dig graves.”

Floyd Gilmore - Show Low 2

With almost 40 years of experience, Gilmore has disinterred graves across Apache and Navajo counties. Often, the graves are on private property and the new owners want them transplanted. One job was to disinter five graves—four children ages four to 11 and one uncle—who died from an influenza epidemic in the early 1900s. Similar to an archaeological dig, Gilmore and his grandchildren used whisk brooms to clear away the dirt from the remains buried in homemade pine caskets disintegrated by time and moisture. “Moisture is what causes decay,” says Gilmore.

As proof, he recalls disinterring the graves of a family buried in dry sand on a private ranch in Apache County.  The earliest, the father, was buried in 1876, the mother in 1890, and the children in early 1900. The pine boxes holding the decedents were intact and the mother was mummified, her clothes and blond hair otherwise uninterrupted by time.

Next time you visit a cemetery, check the headstones and see what intriguing story you might uncover.

Rosie Lopez

Solid Waste Equipment Operator
City of Peoria


“Anything is possible. You just have to want it and believe in yourself.”

These are the words that Rosie Perez lives by as she serves the City of Peoria.

Born in Tempe and raised in southern Phoenix, Arizona, Rosie Lopez is a hometown girl whose dedication to her city has led to great accomplishments.

Rosie works for the City of Peoria as a solid waste equipment operator. In fact, she’s the only female solid waste equipment operator to work for the city. And she’s the best.


Recently Rosie competed in the “Road-E-O,” an annual event sponsored by the Solid Waste Association of North America. Her incomparable skills and belief in herself led Rosie to compete with the best of Arizona and she placed first in the rear-loading category at the national event. Weeks later, Rosie placed first in the same category for the international competition. The competition included participants from Arizona and the U.S. representing municipal and private waste haulers, landfill equipment operators, and mechanics. The “Road-E-O” promotes professionalism and safety in the field of solid waste management and facilitates a spirit of competition and goodwill.

In a typical day, Rosie does a little of everything and is happy to assist wherever she is needed. Currently she is working in residential areas as side-rail and does front-loading for commercial areas. She also operates a Kubota articulating loader, which collects uncontained loose trash.

“I am the best Kubota operator here,” says Rosie confidently.

And she has the skills – and title of number one – to prove it.

Bobby Tyler

City of Holbrook


Mayor Robert “Bobby” E. Tyler served for four years on the Holbrook City Council beginning May, 2011 when he was sworn in as the newest elected member of the city council. He was sworn into his current position as mayor on May 26, 2015.

He has been a part of, and served the community with the Holbrook Volunteer Fire Department, Holbrook Police Program, and has a long history of involvement with the youth of Holbrook; primarily through sports programs to include city and school leagues.

Mayor Tyler was the third of six children born to Don & Johnnie Tyler. He is a third generation Holbrook native who graduated from Holbrook High School in 1977. He drove trucks for the City Street Department and then had a long career with Arizona Public Service Co. at Cholla Power Plant and later worked for Tucson Electric Power in Springerville.

He is a proud father and grandfather, who encourages his children with the words his parents instilled in him; “With hard work and the right attitude, you can accomplish your goals.”




Asia Philbin

Water Resources Coordinator
Town of Marana


No matter who we are, what continent we live on, or our circumstances, the need for water is one common thread we all share.

Perhaps that’s why Asia Philbin was drawn to the field of water.

Having been the child of a father in the Navy, Asia was born in Naples, Italy and traveled Italy, Spain, France and the UK with her parents as an infant. While her primitive years aren’t ingrained in memory, Asia certainly believes her early-aged treks led to a love of travel she still carries with her.

Following her beginnings in Europe, Asia grew up in northeastern and central Pennsylvania in Scranton and State College. Both of her parents also grew up in Scranton. She went on to attend the University of Miami, Coral Gables in Florida to earn a bachelor’s degree in science, marine science and geology.


For more than a decade, Asia worked with the City of Tucson as a hydrologist. Most recently, she joined the team at the Town of Marana where she works as the Water Resource Coordinator. In her capacity, she deals with water resources, water and wastewater system assets, and energy management. She is also coordinating the design and construction of a facility to recharge the treated effluent from the wastewater treatment plant. The project is helping provide water resources for the growth planned by the town. She believes it is a great opportunity to create a multi-benefit project that incorporates public amenities and natural enhancements for wildlife.

She also believes in bringing water to people throughout the world.

While in graduate school at the University of Arizona, she heard a presentation from the Water for People Committee of Arizona. At the time, she learned, two billion people lacked access to safe drinking water – Asia was inspired to join their volunteer group.

When she began working with the City of Tucson, Asia soon learned that her director and many coworkers also volunteered with Water for People. As public servants whose roles involved bringing safe water and sanitation and human health to their communities, they viewed working with the organization as a natural extension of their day job.

At Tucson Water, she helped form a subcommittee that would focus on events to connect people in the water industry while raising much-needed funding for projects. Their events now include two golf tournaments, the Run for World Water (Phoenix-area), Team Pedal With Purpose at El Tour de Tucson, and a newly added wine tasting.

Because of help from individuals like Asia, over the past decade, Water for People has helped reduce the number of people without access to safe drinking water. The number is still a staggering 1.8 billion people and the organization is committed to helping four million more gain access to safe water and adequate sanitation.

Working with the Town of Marana for the last 18 months, Asia has come to enjoy the positive work environment the town provides, the coworkers and the multi-benefit projects.

“It’s important to me to enjoy working with people I see every day, and also to be supporting a larger vision for the town and the community,” said Asia.

She certainly has a large vision for the world’s community and is making a lasting impact by helping bring water to the citizens of Marana, Arizona and people around the world.