Photo Courtesy of City of Peoria
Considered an “advanced trail,” the 2.9-mile route on West Wing Mountain, located in the city of Peoria, starts at the northwest intersection of High Desert Drive and Higuera Drive, has been improved from the original version to make this hike even more interesting and scenic. The best modification that was made to this new route is that it seldom overlaps the same walking path except on your return trip down the hill. However, you will find out that the most difficult part of this advanced hike is within the first mile of the hike. Be prepared to climb to the mountain’s highest point with a few steep inclines along the way. Then, get ready to enjoy the remainder of the hike with panoramic views.
Another deemed “extreme” trail begins at same northwest intersection of High Desert Drive and Higuera Drive, where a sign indicates the trailhead for the 3.5-mile trail. The route has been modified from its original version to make this hike even more extreme and difficult. The advantage of this new route is that it seldom overlaps the same path, except at the most interesting part of the hike, and on your return trip down the hill. So build up your stamina, because this one is going to challenge you.
If you haven’t experienced it yet, it’s time you did. The trail head for Sunrise and WestWing Mountain includes off-street parking, restroom facilities, and chilled drinking fountains from 6:00 a.m. to dusk. The New River Trail is designed to accommodate all non-vehicular users, including walkers, joggers, strollers, bicyclists, roller blades, and equestrians.
Enjoy your hiking experience: play by the rules; hike safely; be courteous of others; and please keep Peoria’s mountain spaces clean.