Cities@Work – Success Stories

Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Recieves $3.3 Million FAA Grant

Gateway Entrance

Funds to rehabilitate Runway 30 Center first 1,000 feet

U.S. Congressman Matt Salmon announced Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport was awarded a total of $3,316,790 in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant funds to rehabilitate the first 1,000 feet of Runway 30 Center, the Airport’s main air carrier landing runway. The project includes the demolition, removal, and replacement of the existing concrete pavement surfaces, construction of cement-treated base, installation of new runway edge lights, signs, and new pavement markings. Construction is expected to begin August, 2015.

“This grant is further evidence of the FAA’s continued support of Gateway’s role as a commercial airport in the Phoenix-Metropolitan area,” said Representative Matt Salmon. “These funds will not only help boost aviation capacity, they will help ensure that Gateway continues to grow as a major economic engine for Arizona.”

The FAA grant requires an 8.94% match divided between the Arizona Department of Transportation and the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority.View More:

Town of Queen Creek Mayor and Airport Authority Board Chairman Gail Barney adds, “Gateway Airport generates over $1.3 billion in economic impact annually. The Airport continues to do an excellent job in managing its capital programs and maximizing its financial sustainability. We appreciate Congressman Matt Salmon’s leadership in securing these funds.”

The announcement means contractors will be able to reconstruct deteriorating concrete resulting from years of heavy commercial aircraft operations.

“Safety and efficiency are paramount at Gateway,” said City of Mesa Mayor and Airport Authority Board Treasurer John Giles. “With all the growth Gateway Airport has experienced, Runway 30 Center has received significant use and is in need of rehabilitation. A portion of the runway will be closed but Gateway has three long runways so impacts to passenger operations will be minimal.”

Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport-airport-002Small3

The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) is a federal grant-in-aid program that represents a major source of funding for airport development and planning. Funding is supported from user fees, fuel taxes and other revenue sources. Each fiscal year, the FAA apportions Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funds into major entitlement categories. The FAA distributes the remaining funds to a discretionary fund. Airports throughout the nation compete for discretionary funding to help finance capital improvement projects. The FAA distributes these funds to projects that best carry out the purpose of the AIP, with highest priority given to safety, security, reconstruction, capacity and standards.

To learn more about Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, visit