Cities@Work – Success Stories

Arizona Cities and Towns Week and the City of Coolidge

Coolidge_MADD_CTWeekOn October 26th the City of Coolidge, Arizona celebrated Make a Difference Day and Arizona Cities and Towns Week with three different service projects directed by the Coolidge Rotary Club.

These projects aimed at beautifying the city included: applying landscaping to the area next to Arizona Boulevard in front of the Hohokam RV Park, cleaning up and landscaping around the sign that welcomes people to Coolidge and cleaning up the property of Boulevard Bob’s auto shop on Arizona and Kensworthy.


Rick Miller, a Rotarian and director of the city’s growth management department was in charge of the service project. In addition, volunteers included people from Coolidge High School, Imagine Prep and many others from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Taking pride in our municipalities the main theme for Arizona Cities and Towns week.  Miller States, “when people come into town, you don’t want them to see graffiti, you don’t want them to see trash, you don’t want them to see junk cars…

You want them to come into town and say that there is a community of people here who care, and it shows.”

Arizona Cities and Towns Week is set aside each year to provide citizens with important information about the services and programs provided by their city/town.

Thank you City of Coolidge for participating in Arizona Cities and Towns week!
