Men & Women That Make AZ Cities Work

Profiles of Arizona Municipal Clerks: Kim Larson, City of Page

 Kim L. Larson, CMC
City of Page


How many years have you served as a clerk?  Eight years in department and three and a half years as clerk.

Where are you originally from?  Boulder City, Nevada

What is the most rewarding part of your job?  Being able to serve the citizens of our city, working with city council, preserving the records for the city’s history, and initiating new ideas and programs to streamline the workload.

What is your favorite memory as a city/town clerk?  One of my most favorite memories was the second grade class coming to city hall to learn about elections.  The mayor was present and talked to the students about an election, and when he asked if there were any questions, they all wanted to know about the large key on the wall and what it opened!