Men & Women That Make AZ Cities Work

Profiles of Arizona Municipal Clerks: Susan Stein, City of Bullhead City

Susan Stein, MMC, CPM, Current President of the Arizona Municipal Clerks Association (AMCA)
City of Bullhead City

How many years have you served as a clerk?  11 years as clerk, total of 20  years in government

Where are you originally from? Rochester, New York

What is the craziest question you have been asked by a resident?  A woman who claimed she was Elvis Presley’s daughter came into City Hall and demanded that I provide her with the necessary records as proof.

What is your favorite memory as a city/town clerk?  Receiving a visit from 90-year old Alona, the first city clerk for Bullhead City, and learning the city named a street after her called “Alona’s Way,” because everyone had to do things her way- which was the “Right Way.”