
Response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

Mayor Marie Lopez Rogers
City of Avondale
National League of Cities (NLC) President

I was honored and thrilled to be in the House chamber Tuesday night listening to President Obama’s State of the Union address with the First Lady, and I want to thank them for the opportunity.  I was inspired by  President’s dedication and focus on federal action to help cities address key issues they are facing: the economy, investment into our education, job creation in America, and immigration reform. I wholeheartedly agree with President Obama when he said stronger families make stronger communities, which makes a stronger America, which we strive for everyday in our cities.

I along with many of my colleagues across America urge Congress to quickly take up these efforts to help cities and our families.  These are pressing issues that have been put off for far too long. As the President asserted throughout his speech, stronger communities equal a stronger America. We look forward to working with our Congressional members on behalf of the constituents we collectively serve as we invest in our future.

Response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address